Tag Archives: Phil Lesh


In a refreshing change of pace, The Internet Mail Order went off without a hitch. The only people bitching were those that are excellent artists and figured their talents usually took them to the front of the line. According to the Blogger guy that wrote the “Not Your Grateful Dead” article somewhere, a guy basically competing for the prize of World’s Biggest Whiner and Pain In The Ass, Peter Shapiro called him to see how they could work together to make Santa Clara better. It seems more like Peter asked Trey for some help as the same people that have been doing Internet Lotteries for Phish took care of the Ticketing. The process was so easy that many people were completely confused once finished. It couldn’t be that easy could it??? No Index Cards, No 17 Postal money orders, hopefully all in the correct amount to fill out, No trying to be Stanley Mouse on the envelope, No trying to fit an envelope inside of an envelope after doing all that? Within a day after the deadline, everybody knew whether they got tickets and if so exactly where their seats were located. Not to mention, using a Credit Card, some people will be able to pay this off by some time in 2025. I hate to say it, but y’all can probably thank Phish for that. If this was done for Chicago, it probably would’ve led to Elvis at GDTSTOO living a few extra years. This process has probably aged the kind soul ike the cheese that rich folks eat. From what I could imagine, Elvis probably needs about a month of sleep… Some of you will get your money back in time for Christmas shopping, for others, there’s always All Saints Day.

Here’s a blogger that can help you out a little bit if you want some advice. My 6 tickets for Santa Clara came along with a $200 “Service Charge”. In the future, can you do me a favor? Just include that shit in the ticket instead of giving everybody another item to complain about. In the past Service Charges were something you incurred at a Bachelor Party or curbside in Manhattan. At least you were well aware of the service that was being provided. Except, in those scenarios, I was doing the screwing, not receiving it. Doing the math on Levi’s, there’s about $5.5 Million Dollars in Service Charges. I’m all about abundance so I’m not gonna hate on anybody too much but, that’s a lot of fuckin. I guess with the bounteous good will and appreciation behind the event and all, we’ll just call it Making Love…

In a questionable move announced this week by the folks at jambands.com and every other .com that wants a piece of the traffic that talking about World’s Greatest Band of all time provides, The Fare Thee Well Shows, in Association with Peter Shapiro and a few other companies that basically mean Peter Shapiro as well, the broadcast for the shows will take place in Theaters. I personally think this idea stinks worse than an LSD fart in a humid tent. Heady Dreadies and others that enjoy roasting new hybrids of Marijuana as often as kids roast marshmallows by campfires were outraged by the decision. Instead of streaming the shows from the comfort and safety of their own homes, Dead Heads will now be forced to play cops and robbers with security guards in cinemas like back in the old days. Instead of kicking back on a Summer Night and drinking a few Sammy Smith’s Oatmeal Stouts while tuned in from your living room, Have a Coke and a Smile bitches!

How about people with kids or folks that don’t live in the USA? A decision like this one obviously didn’t involve a discussion with the blogger guy that has all the answers. I’m baffled by this one… This was a no brainer or so I thought. Bands have been streaming couch tour for years. It’s one of the few things that kept me from selling my children when they were really little. When I first had kids and wasn’t able to attend shows like I used to, I invested in a Supreme Audio Visual Environment for my living room. Why? Because EVERYBODY that is somebody has an online stream. What the hell were y’all thinking? Now a bunch of Dead Heads have to sneak all kinds of contraband into a theater where they’ll be for 5 hours, 3 nights in a row. They’ll get lit up like a Grow Room then have to drive home. Why did this really simple item get so messed up? Thank goodness for those new fangled vaporizer devices. Nowadays, Chewbacca look alikes can huff up like George Jetson and go practically unnoticed. Back in my day we had a thing called a bullet and a gym shirt with a bunch of brown spots on it from where we exhaled cannabis flower exhaust to contain the aroma.

It might be a good time to apologize to mom and dad about why the water in all of their sinks came out all messed up. That was me, I took all of the screens out, Sorry about all those calls you made to the plumber. As somebody that doesn’t drink or do drugs, it’s no big deal to me, I’m just sticking up for my stoner friends on this one. Epic Fail forcing people to leave their homes to participate. The sound and video will be incredible, there’s your consolation prize, Enjoy the Milk Duds! I would imagine more options may become available, I’ll be in Soldier Field…


Rapidly becoming the biggest event in Chicago’s history, The infamous Bus of Never ending Adventure, Furthur, is preparing to roll into Chicago and will be leading the way to providing an entire weekend of endless entertainment. Yes indeed, if you’re not already aware, 4 Humble Heroes are leading the way from Oregon and are bringing The Merry Prankster Flavorlution to Chi town in what’s shaping up to be the biggest event of the weekend by far. The Merry Prankster roots go way deep into the Grateful Dead Culture so the names that are being mentioned around their weekend event are absolutely mind boggling. Being a close friend with Zane Kesey and all of the Official Pranksters(Blatant Lie) and talking to them all as much as I do(2nd time in one sentence now) this whole weekend deal will be like what might happen if Disney World ate a bunch of Sugar Cubes. The list of people that will be passing through and performing will make this event a veritable Who’s Who in the world of That’s Who. The organizers of the event have been adamant about letting people know that it’s not 1965 and most of us are too damn old to be filling our bodies with a bunch of narcotics. There will be absolutely no LSD at this event(I’m talking to you, Officers). There will be acres upon acres of absolute mayhem and adventure with the most fun group of folks that can be rounded up and they’re putting on a party that is absolutely second to none. You can catch more info as it develops on their Facebook Group that’s here. The folks over there are working overtime to make this the best and most reasonably priced event of the entire weekend. I’m not sure whether or not they’ll have “Service Fees”. Hopefully they read this and just include that shit in the price of the ticket

Bob, the community mourns with you on the graduation day of your father. His contributions to this world made a difference much bigger than he probably ever imagined. It’s with my sincerest and heartfelt sympathy, I extend my love and condolences to you and yours…

Grateful Dean on Facebook

Facebook Group is The Official Home of Unofficial Grateful Dead and Music News

Preparation for Soldier Field in full swing



A wave of ecstacy has crested over the inhabitants of Grateful Dead Land for the second time in 4 months as the band officially announced 2 shows in Santa Clara, California the weekend before Chicago. Sure, it was announced unofficially by Bill Walton, The Sporting News, Jambands.com, Relix, Festivalhappenings.com, The Victoria’s Secret catalog, pamphlets at Tourist Welcome Centers, every fan that pretends to have connections, every fan that doesn’t and the least connected of all sources, The Official Home of Unofficial Grateful Dead News. While I’d prefer another video by Trixie, the silver haired Fox that sits on the throne of sexiest Dead Family Member, in my eyes, I’m glad they handed the official duty over to David Gans. He’s a brother that deserved the job. I hope I never meet Trixie… I’m sure my words would probably come out similar to those times in my early days of touring when I thought it might be a good idea to call home during intermission to ease my parent’s concerns since I hadn’t been home or called in a month. I’d have a case of boiling brain and run to a pay phone. When my mom answered I’d attempt to talk and something like, “She wanna buy a tender cannon shallow Garcia bacon mule” would come out. I’d hang up immediately due to scaring myself. I’d imagine I could possibly be exactly that composed meeting Trixie. Love ya Trixie! You’re way hotter than Bob! I digressed…

It’s clear that there’s a lot of people that can keep a secret like Sammy “The Bull” Gravano in “The Family”. This story had more leaks than the Titanic. When Bob Weir was asked about the additional shows he stated, “Even a blind man knows when the sun is shining!” Then he rushed the mic, threw a chord into the air, flipped his head back, went way falsetto and said, “HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I can feel it too!” The unprecedented demand for more Dead far exceeded the expectations of nearly everybody in the Dead Camp as well as the entire music world. While most of us have never stopped talking about the Dead since the 70s and 80s, people that have paid no attention to them ever are completely on board. Money is coming in quicker than it has since “Touch Of Grey” reached number 9 on the Billboard charts in 87. This time around the guys are more prepared than ever to capitalize on their last run of this magnitude. With Bob and Phil both owning watering holes and Meccas for live music in relatively close proximity to Levi’s Stadium, they’re taking home The Pregame Gold, The Main Event Gold and The Post game Gold. It’s pretty clear that the Illuminati could learn a few things from the Dead. Have The Dead been the leaders of the Illuminati all along??? SHATNER MOMENT (Incredibly overdone emotional outburst complete with frantic body language (Thanks Allison)!!!!!! I digressed…

When it was only one weekend in Chicago it seemed like we could all just enjoy a historic moment, on a holiday weekend, with people we love and The band that gave us most of the tools we have for living a life of kindness and absolute fuckery. With addition of more shows, thousands of people are now considering leaving their spouses, their homes, their jobs and every other thing they’ve accumulated during the past 20 years to chase the irreplaceable days of our youth. Even though the shows have been scheduled on weekends, one can’t help but fight the urge to act like a 20 year old whose parents think they’re at college. Many people have already collected over 60 tickets for events that precede and follow the Main Event for every show they’ll be attending. They’ve all done so forgetting they’re not 20 anymore and they’ll be ready for bed by the time The Dead finishes the first set.

One of the more profitable ideas, in my opinion, would be napping stations. I don’t know about you, but I’m gonna require a few naps if I’m gonna be full throttle when I wanna be. I’d pay good money to check into a napping station. By the time Space comes around, the Stadiums will resemble nursing homes more than concerts. People with absolutely flaming sunburns will have completely crashed in the most awkward positions, head way back, mouth wide open, neck all jacked up. Maybe people will get enough sleep during Intermission and Space to have ample energy to leave the building. You’ll remember reading this when you see the snoozers.

With a capacity of up to 70,000, I’m sure Levi’s will be a suitable venue for these shows. The madness and mayhem starts now! Have fun y’all!!!

Grateful Dean on Facebook
The Official Home of Unofficial Grateful Dead and Music News

Preparation for Soldier Field in full swing
