Tag Archives: Phil Lesh


In breaking news that continues to make everybody want to sell their spouses and their children on eBay and make a run for the border, 3/4s of the remaining members of The Dead will be hitting the road this fall and will put an exclamation point on the festivities by freakin everybody the fuck out on Halloween at Madison Square Garden. If you’re one of those that’s considering a run for the border, you better do so while NYC’s Donald Trump is still just a candidate. Should he get elected, a wall that makes China’s look like security gates for a toddler will be built. The announcement, that was busted out like St Stephen in 83, was made by Jambands.com this morning. Those bitches were on the scene like Jackie Greene and created a euphoric vibe that has blasted through Grateful Dead Land alleviating the depression that has crippled its inhabitants since July 6th. Early reports called the quintet Los Muertos(The Dead in Spanish) but later the article was edited to Dead and Company. While we’re talking in spanish, can anybody tell me why Spanish speaking folks can’t say “New York”??? They always say, “New Jork”… It’s not that they have a problem with the sound because they all say, “New Yersey” instead of “New Jersey”… That one always baffled me…

It seems as though the lineup changed a little bit from previous rumors and Oteil “Bad Ass” Burbridge will be laying down the bass like a Boss! I don’t think anybody can talk smack about that brother, he’s got more chops than a Karate Tournament! Early pictures and reports were that Mike Gordon would be playing bass but apparently that idea was scrapped. I tried to get in touch with Mike but he was having his nails polished(WTF???)… First the scarves, then the hair, now the manicures… That brother will be another Caitlyn in no time… And we thought it would be Fishman all this time… “Goes to show, ya don’t ever know!”

Moving on… Deadheads are absolutely thrilled that they will all have a chance to finally see and hear John Mayer. For those that thought Trey was an awful choice, I have a question… How ya like these fuckin apples??? While the hateful among the grateful have already begun identifying themselves, John has started experimenting with LSD along with his current girlfriend Katy Perry to prepare himself for this new challenge. I tried to get an interview with them but they both refused to get out of the tree… Expect to be impressed by a guitarist that Eric Clapton has called, “A Master Guitar Player”. That’s pretty lofty praise coming from one of the best to play the instrument but I’m sure Grateful Dead fans know better than he does… Please don’t say that Jerry is “Rolling in his grave” because he was cremated… It’s predicted that by winter, John M will be the new John K and John K will return to his former job managing a Radio Shack location close to where his parents live and wishing he never left Dark Star Orchestra… Those who can’t stand jokes regarding John K will be extremely disappointed by that one and send me hateful comments and messages. I Love you regardless!

It is EXTREMELY important for everybody to know that Peter Shapiro has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with this tour. While many fans have begun writing letters in advance to complain about all of the shit that hasn’t happened yet including the cost of tickets, availability and every other damn thing, you’ll have to send that shit to someone else. Peter will be hosting Phil at The Cap as well as Trey Band at Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas. This time around, when you’re looking to say “FUCK (Insert Promoter’s name)!!!” please leave him out of it… He has only good wishes for the Tour but is grateful that assholes like me will be leaving him alone for the next few months… If I were you, I’d make it to Lockn!!! That’s gonna be a Hoedown and a Half!!!

Does anyone else find it slightly odd that the 3 members are playing about a half hour away from Phil on the same night? Let there be songs to fill the air, I guess…

If we have the same crew mix Los Muertos as we did Fare Thee Well, you can look forward to seeing Jeff Chimenti. You can’t look forward to hearing him but you’ll definitely see him there. Ya gotta give Jeff a shout out as quite possibly one of the nicest musicians we have in the community. Not only have I seen a million people post pics taken with Jeff but he’s smiling in every one of them. That’s not always easy to do when a million assholes want their picture taken with you… You Da Man Jeff and Terrapin Nation Loves you!!!

New York! Hope ya got the ways and means!!! This is gonna be fun!!! More to come…

My friend, Eric Schwartz of Lone Star Dead Radio, won’t leave me alone about plugging his damn Facebook Page Days Between Anyone that knows Eric is well aware that you’ll find valuable content there. In hopes of him not sending me anymore messages about it, I ask you to check it out. Mama Mia…

Dead To The Core,



Announcements coming out of everywhere regarding who’s playing at Lockn in September are starting to raise a lot of eyebrows. I don’t know where folks get their info but I’d have to imagine they have some high level connections. Me, I don’t know anybody…(Total lie at this point) You’d think by now I’d get some inside information but I don’t get a damn thing. Since I’m still smarter than most however, I learned from “The Great One” that I don’t skate to where the puck is, I skate to where it’s going. I used the few folks I know to get me in touch with Trey. After digging him out of a pile of women in Texas, he came to the phone and I asked Trey if he had any plans for the weekend of September 10th-13th and he just said, “I don’t have jack shit going on that weekend”. I tried to ask him a few more questions but he said as kindly as one could say it, “I don’t have any idea who the fuck you are” and hung up. I think he really likes me. This caused me to start thinking… What’s developing over there in the middle of absolutely nowhere Virginia? Virginia has been home to some of life’s best Grateful Dead experiences. I wonder if they’ll have Hologram Chimenti again… You can see him but you sure as hell can’t hear him!

Rumors have been circulating around New York City that Peter Shapiro has been taking Tambourine lessons from none other than Stevie Nicks and plans to join several configurations of artists throughout the weekend of his event. While his dancing lessons from Snoop Dog never really “took” I’ve heard from inside sources that on Tambourine that brother is just like the one winged dove! Look for his debut as a performer at Lockn! Get ya Popcorn ready!!!

I went to see the Golden Gate Wingmen last night at The Watermark in NYC. I won some tickets through that contest they had. Apparently, I’m a pretty good promoter myself… I highly recommend that venue to any locals. It’s right on the East River with beautiful views of lower Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge. A great time was had by all in attendance.

The life of a musician can be an interesting one. My cousin, Bobby Messano, is in the Blues Hall of Fame. Sounds pretty impressive and it really is. He’s had some great gigs throughout the years. The lick that was a Hallmark of MTV for decades was his. We all heard that a million times growing up. He did several tours as Steve Winwood’s guitarist, was one of the guitarists for the Blues Brothers, played with Clapton… He’s had some great gigs. Nowadays, he’ll play a Blues Festival in the Midwest for 30,000 people on a Saturday and then play an Elks Lodge the next week. Crazy how that goes…

I thought about Jeff Chimenti the same way last night. A few weeks ago he was part of the biggest stage of the Summer and here he was barely a month later on a stage that was about the size of his keyboard platform at Levi’s and Soldier Field. What a dramatic difference playing for 70,000 last month and less than 700 now. That’s about the population of Arrington, VA, home of Lockn.

Regardless, the mind and make of a musician can find those moments of magic anywhere. The opportunity to connect to the music and people you’re making it with is available regardless of the size of the stage or audience. A group of people making music can come across the key that unlocks parts of the Soul previously undiscovered without any audience at all. I’ve watched my cousin create some incredible moments in church basements that have never before and will never again experience his level of talent. It’s all about connecting and that can happen anywhere, any time and any place.

The show was a lot of fun and I had a blast. Jeff and Reed both seem to have an undeniable X Factor. There’s a little more of that extra something within them. I have a tip however for anyone that plays Grateful Dead Music. Even if you think it’s a good idea to play something other than Franklin’s after Help On The Way and Slipknot, it just about never is. The jams that drove Help and Slip were great and provided this absolutely raging musical hard on that is always prepared for the first notes of Franklin’s like a breeding stud is prepared for his mare. Then all of a sudden… Touch of Grey instead… Total blue balls moment. Touch is a great tune but I’d wager to say that pretty much nobody was hoping to hear it in that space…

Regardless, I recommend you check out The Golden Gate Wingmen. They’re a great time and the tunes were excellent. While you’re at it, go check out Phish on their Summer Tour. Trey is in unbelievable form and is obviously having the Summer of his life. I may have to start an Official Home of Unofficial Phish News site to cover them because the coverage I find elsewhere is pretty awful. If somebody had some sense, they’d bring me on board to provide some material that isn’t boring as shit. Somebody that looks and listens to the music like a lot of US do. I might even be willing to stop swearing.

The next couple of weeks will obviously be devoted to the memory of the Teller of Tales and Singer of Song that no human as ever come close to… The ONCE in a lifetime artist that changed US forever…

Dead To The Core,
