Category Archives: Grateful Dead, Fare Thee Well

SC Rainbow

In shocking news, pictures obtained from Security cameras at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara show irrefutable evidence that the Rainbow that appeared during dusk on June 27th was indeed man made. The photos were gathered from Security cameras mounted inconspicuously around the stadium providing somewhat clear images of what took place that night. We tried to contact members of the production team for comment but apparently they made a ton of cash and are all currently on vacation… Here’s the evidence supporting the production team’s work creating a rainbow above the Stadium.

Santa Scandal

Incredibly enough, photos taken only moments after this one actually show an amazing development as it appears as if Kermit The Frog was Actually The Rainbow Connection all along… I know… Sounds Trippy but he was foreshadowing shit like this since we were kids…


Over the past few weeks we’ve repetitively said, “Only In Grateful Dead Land!” Chalk another one up for that my friends! The culprit has yet to be identified and authorities have little interest in an investigation. Some will speculate whether these pics are legitimate, some won’t… Those that are dumb enough to believe this would also be dumb enough to believe The Dead made a fake rainbow… You be the judge… Back to your regularly scheduled life…

Dead To The Core,

Dean Sottile (pronounced So Tilly)



Breezes breeze by warmly on a day remembered well
Just removed from Tinley Park, your spot was hot as Hell
A dagger through the heart of time that left a gaping hole
The great gig in the sky recruits another giant soul
Did we know what you were worth before your worth was known?
Gold was piling up and made your bench more like a throne
I cried at home and felt alone with friends and family near
Then once again in Richfield when I realized you’re not here
The style, your smile, the eyes that opened wide as Western Skies
A heart that made each song you sang appear as twice its size
Your voice cut through the music like some shears go through a rag
It came across like broken glass inside a velvet bag
You rode the keys across the scene that you could Blow Away
Easy to Love a Little Light, Hey Jude still screams today
Your end marked the beginning of an end with many ends
Where empty spots appeared in places once reserved for friends
It seems it’s all a party until when it’s really not
The voices of our lives removed with just a little shot…

R.I.P.(Rock In Peace) Brent

Dead To The Core,

Dean Sottile (Pronounced So Tilly)

Picture by Robbi Cohn. You can purchase her incredible pics online at Dead Images